Sunday, April 1, 2012

New stuff

Wow I really am terrible at updating this, but here are some projects I've been working on as i'm preparing for my senior show!


"Sometimes I'm Not Myself"

"Cat Burglar" Which what I made for my postcard.

Look at me being all business and stuff!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Coffee princess

I have a new independent study next semester...well a SUPER independent study with Gabbi.
We're starting a coffee kingdom! We're are going to start with challenging each other to attempt our weaknesses.  So this first one is coffee princess! My challenge was to not use purple haha

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Illustration Friday: Messenger

I haven't been doing too much while home for break sadly. Here's my second attempt at doing an illustration friday assignmt. Unfortately I'm using a scanner thats really not made for documents, and I don't have photoshop on this computer, but here it is despite everything!

The Messenger of the Alps! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Here is a selection of work I did for my senior thesis class this semester.
This is coffee connoisseur:

 This is an editorial piece about the effects of coffee on the brain:

Also an editorial piece for an article about how Scandinavian countries drink the most coffee:

Sunday, November 27, 2011